- Cities are great places to visit but the country suits me best.
- When I have to wear clothes, I wear lots of denim but I only own one pair of jeans.
- I was fortunate to be an Air Force brat because it allowed me to live in or visit around 25
states and 5 foreign countries.
- I've never been West.
- I buy shoes more for comfort than looks and I don't have big feet.
- I would have made a great researcher cause I'm good at digging into things to find the right
- The only bad grades I ever made in school were a D once in Algebra, and an F on a French exam.
I had to study hard for my grades.
- I prefer chicken and seafood over beef, pork is ok.
- I always knew I'd be a mother, I just didn't know any better.
- Arrogant people piss me off
- It was once easy to embarrass me but I got over it.
- I feel bad when I can't fix problems, I was the fixer in my family.
- I used to draw and paint, then I had kids
- I am impatient
- I love to laugh
- Being organized is beyond me, since I'm visual most things have to be in sight for me to remember
- I love photography and my computer.
- I've had many different pets; a squirrel named Violet, a deer named CeeCee, a raccoon
named Wally, and a cat named Rin-tin-tin.
- I can and have driven a tractor and an 18 wheeler.
- I would not say I was a safe driver of either
- I worked in a factory once and hated it.
- I've also worked as a waitress and chambermaid
- I have chopped cotton with a hoe and picked it with my hands.
- I was not good at either
- I've been married most of my life.
- I have 8 grandchildren. 7 of them are little girls.
- My favorite sport is football
- My favorite football team is San Francisco 49ers
- I'd love to live in the Florida Keys
- I don't like to attend weddings or funerals, for many of the same reasons.
- I believe in miracles but not in fairy tales or happy endings
- My glass is half empty
- Trust doesn't come easy for me, but when I do trust, I do it all the way
- I hate confrontations
- I think Sean Connery is the sexiest man alive
- Clint Eastwood runs a close second
- I would love to be debt free
- I wish I owned a book store
- Politics bore me, Politicians bore me more
- I believe in life after death and I'm curious about reincarnation
- My dearest possessions are books